About Me

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I'm Carole, living in London, happily married and mum to two amazing boys.I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer in April 2010. Surgery took place in November 2010 and I now have a permanent colostomy...Spinal mets were then diagnosed in October 2011...In January 2012 I was told of further spread to the hip area (multiple lesions)..My life expectancy is now 6-9 months. Walk alongside me on the last part of my experience with this..

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Just a couple of Thank You messages...

Firstly Mum - thank you for trawling the streets of London for me to find nightdresses that unbutton all the way down the front, are not too long, too short, too big, too flowery or girly or just plain silly....much appreciated.
I couldn't find anything so you've sorted me out now - Thank you.

And also thank you for coming over to feed Dj yesterday after school and also next Wednesday for my next long hospital appointment...and of course I know that you and Dad will be there helping Rab out whilst I'm in hospital.

And thank you for picking up a HUGE pack of the particular brand of toilet tissue that we use here - that you found on 'special offer' locally.
I can see that 16 loo rolls will be pretty useful to me, being as how I won't have a bum soon :-)))

Also wanted to say a big Thank You to Wendywoo.....who sent me, via James, the most beautiful selection of Clarins items all contained in lovely Clarin's bag.
Gorgeous Wendy, many thanks - they are so very appreciated :-)

And Hazel...just wanted to say Thank you for shoving me back onto the straight and narrow path again yesterday.
I do KNOW that you are right, one step at a time and use the wait and see approach - but it did help to have the chat yesterday.
Looking forward to our night out next Thursday :-)

Last bit for you J.........Thank you to the Gunners :-)

"IT was a case of wham bam thank you Sam as Arsenal destroyed their bitter rivals in extra-time"
SPURS 1 ARSENAL 4 ......(sniggers)


  1. How lovely to get some well deserved treats.

    ps. Loo roll can also be handy for blowing your nose :)

    Paula xx

  2. Hi Paula,
    You're right of course, good for the nose and also for dabbing at lipstick - and for drying those tears when I run out of tissues :-)

    Loo roll is a real multi-tasker product...

  3. What lovely people you have in your life aunty. I'm so glad for you.

    And I give kudos to Arsenal. They played a fantastic game and truly deserved to win. Maybe this year they will actually win something!

    And I mean that with the sincerest of sincerity :-)

    Keep us updated aunty. Anything and everything. We are all here for you xx

  4. Also, I still used nice soft toilet roll to wipe Stanley....I had better explain to those who dont know....actually no I will leave it to their imagination who or what Stanley was! lol

    Keep the sanity going straight an true
    It will go down and it will go up, but always end with straight and true...

    All the very best wishes.

    T xx

  5. Lamia,

    Message from James....you already support a team with the best colours (Red and white) now you just need to move your support to the RIGHT team wearing Red and White :-)))
    We'll change you yet - Lol xxx

    Tony - I'm pleased to hear that despite his appalling behaviour you still treated Stanley so gently and with such tlc.
    It was way more than he deserved :-)

  6. pah !!!come on you spurs ;O) ... abit late now tho :O)

  7. "Cyraash said 'abit late now tho'.....

    Ummmm yesssss, *that* was their problem throughout the whole game really :-)) LOL
    Never mind eh...better luck next time (stifling the laughter and hoping it doesn't backfire on me)
